Staff Shout-Outs

  • Alexandra for having the first Res Life program at Tupper and for awesome balloon ads! 
  • Hannah L., Chrissie, Samille, and Lance for presenting on RA programming! 
  • Hannah O. and Jessie for joining RA Training Committee! 
  • Samille for being supportive at BACHA! 
  • All the FYRE staff members for pulling off the first Gull Games event! 
  • All the RAs who went and rocked out at BACHA!
  • Alie Pino for kicking appendix butt!
  • Caitlin N. for being superwoman!
  • Lance for rocking a suit and doing it so well.
  • The female Pro Staff!
  • Corie for starting kudos… Kudos!
  • Marblehead for winning the winning variety show! #winning
  • The HawKeMo staff for making us laugh and cry at the same time!
  • The Brindle and Bayview staffs for their patience and general awesomeness.
  • The awesome new professional staff for just...being awesome.
  • All of the new RAs - we're glad you're here!
  • Corie for already rocking the administrative assistant role!
  • Brian and Dan for all of their hard work facilitating RA training!

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