
“Duty Night” By: A Villanelle
By Dan Newman

To document the rowdy youths
My judgement to fairly render
That the Miller can is damning proof.

I knocked at the rocking roof
Angry at disturbing slumber
To document the rowdy youths.
I asked them for their truth
Their face filled with wonder
The Miller can is damning proof.

Freshman line the beer-soaked booth
Their night torn asunder
I document the rowdy youths.
A funnel behind the host's hoof
My clipboard runs with ID numbers
The Miller can is damning proof.

I pass from Hawthorne aloof
While Williston awaits my plunder
To document the rowdy youths
A Miller can is damning proof.

by Amy Connolly

Each morning as I roll from bed
I wonder what will lie ahead
What will I face out there today?
Welcome to the life of an RA.
Hurricane warnings, fire drills
Someone who took a chance with sleeping pills
Broken glass and broken hearts,
Roommate friendships torn apart.
Another party down the hall
Another game of floor football
"Hey who began that water fight?"
"Who put in that porn on movie night?"
A six-page paper still to write,
Four different meetings, all tonight,
Another one where I'm up late,
Oh well I'll sleep after I graduate!
I often laugh, I sometimes cry,
I almost daily wonder "why?"
Why do I take on all this stuff?
An RAs job is just too tough!!
But when I think I've been stretched thin,
Someone asks, "Can I come in?"
"Thank you so much" they shyly say
"You really helped me out today."
Then suddenly my mind is clear
And I remember why I'm here.
It's so much more than room and board,
My staff
My floor
The best rewards.

Duty Nights at EC
Courtney Larrivey

Bottles clinking, the sound of pong
Your training tells you something’s wrong.
You walk to the room and get ready to say
“Please open the door, it’s the R.A.!”

They open the door and look around
They don’t know what you mean by party sounds.
The pregame is over the music is off 
You hear an insult under a cough 

Everyone leaves and heads up to the Post 
You stick around to talk to the host 
You explain the problem and remind them the rules 
Thank them for remaining calm and cool 

Outside, the campus seems to deaden, 
That makes you nervous, so you call up Matt Shedden 
Go on a round with your sister staff 
Stop by a party and clear out half 

The night is young and you’re rearing to go 
Watching the groups and following the flow 
Close to 11, where are they all?
It must be time to head up to BirdBall.

Duty is ending, so write up your log
Remembering details through the night’s fog.
Wait for the Contact so you can turn out the light.
Then get up and do it again through tomorrow night.

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